

Yesterday I was thinking about chador, hijab and burqa, that the veiling of women in Islamic countries.These reflections were triggered by a television report on women in Saudi Arabia. Why must women be veiled? Which society enforces that? What are the backgrounds.

I’ll start with the background to understand the roots of this behavior. Finally, many women do this voluntarily, be seen well here in Europe, where social constraints exist only when they are stressed by the family. Since I personally know a few Muslim, I know that they have chosen this fate deliberately. Why might it come about so far?

When I meet veiled Muslima and fogged women, so I have first the impression of standing in front of an undifferentiated dark wall. I see only clothes devoid of individuality. No personal expression. No individual category. Behind this mountain of cloth and fabric, often in black, the world is just lost everything, what could enrich it. Why is this intentional?

Beauty, attractiveness, smile and joy are hidden. Nobody cares. Also not sure if the woman has to say something behind. In some cultures, such a woman walking behind her husband down like a dog, every bend in the road and follow the step. Here in Europe, the dog is one thing, a thing that each can possess. This woman also appears to be holding, a thing that he can have whatever he wants. Woman has become the possession, on which no one else can lay claim. This is reflected in many languages ​​that, if they want to express something that is to be universal, it expressed with words and male pronouns “man” in German, “human” = THE man … Female humans appear to be a contradiction. Even the language reflects the loss of femininity.

I put myself back in the days of my youth. Irritated by male gaze that followed my undoubtedly good figure, I did not quite know how to handle it. Since I knew absolutely no idea what such a figure causes in the male members of my society, I was more scared than impressed. I preferred clothes that squeezing my chest flat, chose colors that were rather unremarkable. Had it been the fashion for me to hide behind a veil, I would have probably resorted to. It did not meet the current fashion, so I had to learn to deal with the behavior of my fellow men.

It was definitely a tough road, because at some point one of these men tried to rape me.With luck and my fast legs – I had become a competitive athlete – I escaped this attack. Since I am able to learn, I decided for a repeat offense, to learn self-defense. From then on, I was prepared. Over the next 20 years I had a lot more than twenty times to use it. I did this with great success.

I think this shows why a wraparound fabric of women has been accepted. Not all mastered the art of self-defense, not each one has the opportunity. A part of the background will therefore probably be determined by that men ever want to work as gardeners: they are deeply trying to spread their seeds in the world. Self-control seems not given any. Self-control seems probably not desirable, because our culture does not demand this from a man he will be dashing, successful and assertive. Self-control is no basis for this requirement.

Over the millennia, a social system has emerged, which has a cross-cultural property declared a major factor. It is not enough to have a roof over one’s head, it is not sufficient enough to eat and to drink to have, it’s no longer enough to wear warm clothing and protected from the weather to live in the circle of the clan. Love, joy and trust are no longer at the forefront of desirable objectives. Empire will be as many people, that seems to be the only guarantee of survival.

The possibility of acquiring wealth rests mostly in the hands of men. They can move about freely and without restriction. All they manage subject to their jurisdiction. Somewhen, the woman at their side became possession. From now on, she followed him at every turn. He seemed to give her protection, as she had never learned how to care for her own.

What did we lose by this development?

With this cover, this personal barracks, this female prison there is no possibility for both sexes to approach each other.  Neither of them knows whether the other person is likeable and acceptable. Connections must be arranged, otherwise, both sides never come close enough to make their own good decision to enter into a connection. So the father of the young woman chooses out on the request of the young man, without the young couple had a chance to pursue a connection because of mutual sympathy.

Thus both sides lose in this way. Love is not a basis, love could not previously be developed. Joy is not connected with it, because enthusiasm is never created. Trust is never matured because a soul connection is without any chance.

Basis if this connections is sex as posibility for reproduction, not more. Children in such cultures become the exclusive projection screen of human emotions. Beyond the intention to reproduce even within such-arranged connections sex is (d)evil and god unconstitutional defined (Christianity).The physical renovation of the woman, the menstruation, is considered “unclean” defined (Christianity and Islam).Flowing blood is imitated, but it relates to warlike or sacrificial behavior (men sow, but do not bleed). At the end they often have the Holy War, which is transferred to the outside world. In fact – both sides have lost! Because of love, joy and harmony the health of us all is based.

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